Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. III




Head Quarters State Troops Caddo Spring July 22 1859

Governor I had the honor of reporting to you on the 14th my arrival in this vicinity on the night of the 11th inst. On the 12th I visited the Brazos Agency and had an interview with Maj Neighbors communicating to him verbally the objects of the state government in ordering out the force under my command and the instructions issued for my government; at the same time aprissing him of my individual desire, as well as that of the executive and the state to prevent further collisions and secure a return of tranquility to the country and also notified him in reply to difficulties suggested by him in relation to the Indians collecting their cattle off the Reserve and his inability to send a white man with them, that in all such cases whenever called upon by him or any one under his authority that I would detail a reliable man from my command furnished with the necessary certificate to accompany them as an evidence to the citizens that they were on legitimate business. To all which I regret to say Maj Neighbors betrayed dis- satisfaction and opposition seeming to regard the movement as a reflection upon him personally and one that Texas had no right to make indeed he appears to think Texas has no interest in or right to interfere with the Indians under his control or in any manner restrain them from going wheresoever they may_ please with or without a white man but in parties large enough to protect themselves. I could only say in reply that my instruc- tions were to treat all Indians found off of either Reserve un- less accompanied by a responsible white man as hostile and that I should do so to the extent of my ability. And my scouts are constantly out with written instructions accordingly. Agents Ross and Leesser manifest a different spirit and appear anxious to meet my instructions as reasonable under existing circum- stances. They express a solidtude to have no further difficulties but to have quiet restored and the Indians peaceably removed. On the 14th I communicated to Maj Neighbors in writing my instructions a copy of which marked A is herewith enclosed.

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