endeavor to execute thme, but shall carefully avoid coming into collis"ion with any portion of our frontier citizens Should the "Police" you propose to exercise around the U. S. Reserves lead to collision with the Indians who will be sent out to gather their stock you alone must be responsible for the consequence and the state will have to settle with the Genl Government. whatever losses she may sustain by your operations if any I am very Respectfully Your obt Servant ROBT S NEIGHBORS Supt Ind Affr Texas Capt John Henry Brown Comdg State Troops Camp Brazos River. [Endorsed] Correspondence between Capt. J. H. Brown and Maj. Neighbors. Copy of
No. 226 LETTER FROM J. H. BROWN TOR. S. NEIGHBORS Camp at Caddo Spring Near Brazos Reserve July 19th 1859
Sir Your communication of the 17th inst in reply to mine of the i4th was received through Mr Dyer to day. I can only regret the course you have determined to adopt that of sending parties of Indians, unaccompanied by some responsible white man in each case off the reservation lands to hunt their stock-such a course under existing circumstances can but complicate and aggravate the difficulties sought by the state government to be guided I can do no more however than to repeat what I pro- posed to you verbally on the 12th and in my letter of the 14th a cheerful readiness whenever called upon by yourself either of the sub agents or any one under the authority of either to de- tail from my command a good and reliable man furnished with the necessary certificate to accompany any party of Indians in search of their stock off the Reserve. Should you persist in de- clining this offer, and loss occur to the Indians in life or prop- erty the responsibility will rest where it belongs.
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