TEXAS INDIAN PAPERS, 1846-1859 331 ervations not to allow of a conflict between the United States troops and the Citizens of Texas, under any circumstances what- ever. As this is eminently a State affair, I trust that immediate steps will be taken to arrest, and bring to justice, the ring leaders in the late disturbances at the Comanche and Brazos Agencies. I am, Sir, Very Respectfully Your obt Servant D. C. TWIGGS Bvt. Maj. Genl U.S.A. Commdg. Dept. To His Excellency H. R. Runnels, Governor of Texas, Austin, Texas June 6th 1859. [Endorsed] From Genl Twiggs June 6, '59 No. 223 APPOINTMENT OF PEACE COMMISSIONER BY H. R. RUNNELS [June 6, 1859] The State of Texas Whereas, Late information has been received at my office to the effect that a large body of men are now assembled in arms near the "Brazos Agency," for the avowed purpose of attacking and making war upon the Indians at said agency; and whereas, This movement is the result of the many difficulties and contin- ued quarrels and disturbances between the citizens on that fron- tier and the Indians at the Agency, which have increased for months past; and whereas, all the best interests of the State re- quire an immediate p~aceable and permanent settlement of said disturbances. Now therefore, I, H. R. Runnels Governor of said St.ate, do hereby constitute and appoint the following named citizens, to Wit: George B. Erath, John Henry Brown, Richard Coke, J. M. Steiner, and J. M Smith, a Board of peace commissioners, with power and authority to repair to said Brazos Agency and represent the State of Texas in the peaceable and lawful adjust- ment of said difficulties.
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