Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. III



ing in that way to detect or intercept the Indians, The express is to be in writing giving the paticulars, by this means we hope to keep the frontier more free from alarms, also the whole of our country will know immediately if any Indians come in, Brown and Cooke I hope will write and expresses to us if they should make any discoveries. As soon as I can I will file my Muster Roll with you. I want arms for all. I want four of Capt Fords Pack Saddles and ap- purtinances and if I could get four mules I would be pleased. I will give Bond for all. I wrote to you the other day for some Six Shooters. I had this in contemplation then, but I will want more for, my com- pany If I receive any important information you shall be informed. Your friend HILLARY RYAN [E.'ndor.~ed] To His Exclly H. R. Runnels


Brazos Agency Texas May 24 1859

To His Excelency

The Governor of the State of Texas

Sir I herewith- report to you that Mr. Jno R. Baylor appeared on this reserve yesterday the 23 Inst with some three hundred men drew them up in line of battle within one half mile of the agency buildings the Commanding officer of the U. S. Troops demanded of him his business on this reserve with an armed force to which he replied that he was here for the p:.1rpose of attacking certain bands of Indians now on this re- serve thereupon the Comd officer warned him to leave the re- serve he replied that he would use his own pleasure as to the time of his quitting the reserve. and did not leave however un- til he had killed a woman and .one of the oldest men on the re-

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