TEXAS INDIAN PAPERS, 1846-1859 327 2 Big Roscia and her suckg Colt _______________________,. 45 " 1 her two year old Mule Colt _________,. 35 " 1 La Pelona and Saddle Nag __________________________,. 35 " 1 her yearling Mule Colt ______________" 20 " 2 Paint Roscia and her Mule Colt ________________,. 45 " 1 her two year old Horse Colt ___________,. 25 " 2 Coalty and her suckg Colt (very fine Animal) ___" 50 " 2 Nancy and her fine Mule Colt (finest Mare of the Gang) --------------·- ···---- _________" 60 " 1 SalLy 1 r _____ " 50 " 2 Cla d h C It ► 4 year old fine Mares 1 ,. 40 ,, ra an er o 1 ··•--· 1 The Prove Sack _____________________________________________ "200 " 2 Two fine Wagon Mules @ 75 $ ____________"150 " 915
Total $1880
Ranch, Head of San Geronimo, Bexar Co.
Lampasas 14th May 1859
Dear Govr.
Yesterday Col Manus With some of Fords Company arrived from Cora bringing a copy of a letter Signed H A Ham- ner, Capt Comd. Jack Co Volunteers, of which I enclose you a copy. I learned that much excitement prevaled at Cora. Mr J. M. Norris promised to forward an express to this place if the matter increased, and if so I will cause a copy to be for- warded to you. We have formed a company here organized as the Belton Company of which I am the Captain. I have out scouts I met Capt McMullen on Thursday last and entered into an agreement with him, that if any of my scouts should discover any Indian sign they should send by express to him informing him, he pledged himself to send on to Brown and Cooke and we will all order out all of our men filling the whole country with men, hop-
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