Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. III



the predatory and thieving bands that are interrupting them for the present. Official intelligence of the intentions of the General Govern- ment to remove the Reserve Indians has reached this Office. The substance of which will be found in to-days Gazette. I have no additional orders to those already given in former com- munications. The services of the Company will not be con- tinued after the six months term expires. You will see that all the public property is properly cared for, and the best disposi- tion made of it possible. You will cause an inventory to be taken of the same, articles that are perishable and that cannot be easily transported, You can dispose of to the best advantage. The remainder you will bring to this place, subject to such further orders and disposition as may be deemed proper here- after. It is hoped you will wind up the service of the Company to the best of advantage and with the least possible expense. I have directed the express-man to carry you a number of News-papers containing intelligence of the contemplated action of the General Government, in regard to the Reserve Indians, which I hope will allay exc'itement and quiet public apprehen- sion Respectfully HR RUNNELS [Endorsed] Letter of Gov. to Capt. Jno. S. Ford [H. R. Runnels, Executiv~ Record Book, Number 36, Pages 289-290.J No. 217 LIST OF STOCK STOLEN FROM CHARLES HOPFELD RANCH [April, 1859] LIST of Stock Mares- Horses and Mules, Stolen by the Indians from the Ranch of the undersigned in April 1859- Heads 1 The Gatcho or Grey Mare valued at ... $ 35.00 1 her yearl'ing Colt .. - H 15 H 1 " two year old Filly » 25" 2 Big Brown with her suckg Colt " 40 "

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