themselves after that time. The only additional assistance which the government can extend to them and the other Indians to be colonized in that section of country, will be the employ- ment, for a limited time, of proper persons to teach and aid them in their agricultural operations, and to repair and keep their implements and tools in order. Hence the necessity of such a course being pursued, as will teach and compel them to rely upon the"ir own exertions. It is presumed that the most economical way of subsisting the Wichita after their arrival at their new home, so far as it may be actually necessary, will be by contract, based upon pro- posals invited by public notice, and you will adopt that course unless you can derive some other method which will be attended with less expense. Should you find it necessary to guard against fraud and speculation, and to ensure that the subsistence is furnished at the proper times and places and of the right kind and quality, you are authorized to employ a commissary at a fair compensation not exceeding ........... dollars per day to watch and superintend its delivery. It is not deemed to be necessary, at this time to go into further details in regard to the agricultural mechanical and other aid and assistance to be rendered to the Wichita and other Indians to be colonized in the leased portion of the Choc- taw and Chickasaw country. It is desired that you will care- fully consider the whole subject and report for the considera- tion of the department a detailed plan of operations for carry- ing out the policy upon the most economical basis.
Very respectfully
Your Obt Servant CHAS. E. MIX
Acting Commissioner
E. Rector Esq
Superintendent etc
No. 215 LETIER FROM H. R. RUNNELS TO J. S. FORD Executive Office
Austin, April 3rd 1859
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