Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. III



their management than the payment of your own salary, you will therefore incur none except what may become indispensably necessary in securing them the protection of the laws, without authority from this Department. If any more spedfic or definate instructions are desired, you will·communicate the particular matter and they will be for- warded. I am sir Very Respectfully, HR RUNNELS [Endorsed] Jas. Barclay Instructions to. iH. R. Runnels, Executive Record Book, Number 36, Pages 264-265.]

No. 210 LETTER FROM H. R. RUNNELS TO J. S. FORD Executive Office. Austin March 3 1859

To John S. Ford

Capt Comdg Texas Rangers Camp Leon. Sir,

Your communication of 16th Feb, would have been answered at an earlier date, if I had not been in daily ex- pectation of receiving intelligence from Genl Twiggs, in regard to the future movements of the U. S. forces under his command for the protection of the frontier: His answer has been received, and after due reflection I have determined not to order the dis- bandonment of the men under your command at this time. You will perceive from the enclosed communication that the Indians have been depredating on other parts of the frontier, to which you will dispatch assistance with out delay if in your power. It is expected that your company will be active, that you will keep your scouts constantly in the woods and protect the largest possible district of country what time you have to remain in the field; never keeping in camp more than a suffi- ciency of men to protect it, or meet such immediate emergency as may arise, nor longer than to afford the animals a reasonable

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