Executive Office Austin Feb 19th 1859.
James Barclay Esq Dear Sir,
Yours of the 11th ult. has been received, that of a former date to which you allude, I found here on my return the 1st Feb. I should have answered as soon as other pressing engagements would have permitted, had it not been for the un- fortunate interruption of the lower Reserve, where it was in- tended to have the bands for which you are Agent removed, charity and humanity forbid it under present circumstances. My own conscience revolts at the idea of practis'ing a deception upon the Indians or carrying them where they might at any time be indiscriminately slaughtered, for no other cause than that the Creator has made them Indians, by a lawless and in- furiated populace. If the Coushatta and Alabama are willing to go to the Choc- taw and Chickasaw Reserve I am of the opinion that would be the best, but the season has now advanced so far that they could not make a support by the time they would get there the present year; and again there is no guaranty they would be received there if they conclude to go, I then can see no other course to pursue than for them to remain where they are for the present, by the fall we will perhaps be able to come to some more satisfactory conclusion what shall be done. By pursuing that course you will have time to open correspondence for them with their friends north of Red River, and I will introduce the subject to the General Government, and should we be able to take no definite course, after this their future disposition will vest with the pleasure of the Legislature to which I shall refer the subject. You will continue to act as Agent and friend of the several tribes, according to tenor of instruction heretofore forwarded you, see that they have justice, regulate as far as you can their intercourse with the Whites, and prevent all cause of collision or bad feeling if possible between them and their neighbors. It is not expected that the State will be at any other expense in
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