By the Governor T. S. Anderson
Secretary of State.
[Endorsed] Proclamation to quiet Indian disturbances. [H. R. Runnels, Executiv~ Record Book, Number 36, Pages 233-234.J
No. 207 LETTER FROM H. R. RUNNELS TO J. S. FORD Executive Office Austin Feb 7th 1859
Capt John S. Ford.
I find here yours of ·January 22nd in regard to the pay of Marlin and his Company: You are instructed to pay him off to the day of his notification by Maj: Neighbors and no longer; If he does not so take it you will not pay him at all, and let him get it from the Legislature if he can. He has from what I can learn rendered no service since that time, and even before the time Neighbors notified him, I received intellingence of his doing no good to the frontier or service to the State, either him- self or men: Unless I have been misinformed he will according to the terms prescribed get more than he is entitled to and ought to be contented with it, I will pay him no more and the Legislature shall not do it, If I can help it. You will keep me posted in your movements; and conduct the management of you Company with a view to its early dis- bandment. Inform me of the amount of supplies on hand, of your probable movements for the next few weeks, and such other intelligence as may be important in enabling me to arrive at correct conclusions in regard to the future. I am very respectfully HR RUNNELS You had better communicate by express [Endorsed] Letter of the Governor to Capt J. S. Ford [H. R. Runnels, Executive Record Book, Number 36, Page 245.)
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