Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. III



No. 206 PROCLAMATION BY H. R. RUNNELS [January 10, 1859]

Proclamation by the Governor Executive Office Austin Texas

Whereas, Information has been received at this office from reliable sources, to the effect that Several Indians, men, women and children, who were at peace with the government and the people of Texas, living upon and belonging to the Lower Reserve at the Brazos Agency, in the State of Texas, while engaged in a peaceful and lawful avocation within a few miles of sa:id Agency were recently attacked in their camp and killed by a party of white persons supposed to reside in Erath and other Counties in that immediate vicinity, and Whereas, much ex- citement prevails among a portion of the citizens of said adjoin- ing counties and serious fears are entertained that bands or parties of men are being raised, armed and organized for the open and avowed purpose of continuing said unjust and unlaw- ful hostilities against said friendly Indians. Now therefore, I, H. R. Runnels, Governor of the State of Texas, by virtue of the power vested in me by the Constitution and laws thereof, do hereby warn all persons against joining or otherwise engaging or assisting in such unlawful expedition and hostilities, or in anywise aiding or abetting the same under the pains or penalties prescribed by law. And I further direct all the civil authorities and peace officers of the State to use all legal means in their power to arrest all offenders in the premises (in order that they may be dealt with according to law) and to prevent tb.e carrying out of the aforesaid unlawful plans and purposes; and I request all good and law abiding citi- zens to give all necessary and lawful aid to said authorities in the execution of their duties. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto signed my name, and caused the Great Seal of the State to be affixed at Seal the City of Austin, this the 10th day of January 1869, and of the year of the Independence of Texas, the Twenty-third year.

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