Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. III




Waco, Decbr 30. 1858

Dear Capt--

Enclosed I send you copy of a letter from Capt Nel- son to Capt Smith, who was kind enough to shew it me and permit me to take the copy-at the same time denying having been privy to any of the arrangements already reported to have been made between Nelson, the frontier people and himself. I have just left the Post Office in quest of letters for yourself or Charles and find nothing, nor has there been any express here from the agency, advising us of anything- This information if true I consider of much importance for you to know. as your presence will be indispensible at the agency. For my own 9art I know not what to think of it-but if the information contained in Nelsons letter be true I am satis- fied it was a concocted plan for certain purposes, and to pro- duce certain effects- For my own part I doubt the correctness of the statement-at all events something is Breuting, and I think you should be informed- Mr Ross thinks the news of such importance, that you should be informed by express before you can possibly leave Austin and has just left my house to fix up pete to start to Austin with it tonight, so that you may be apprised, before you leave there otherwise I shall send this communication to you by mail to the care R. S. Neighbors San Antonfo. All are well here with the exception of some cases of influenza, and whooping cough-is generally prevalent- ! think under existing prospects it would be well for you to hasten your return to the agency as speedily as possible- Truly Yours in haste GEO. BARNARD P.S. Say to Charles that none of the letters, he expected from the Reserves have as yet arrived- GB [Endorsed] To Capt. Ross from Geo. Barnard

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