Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. III



ing under orders from you, that the Legislature would pay them, They cannot render efficient Service for they have not the means, I hope that Capt Ford will dissipate the Idea, You know whether it will be best for you to inform them or not, those who know Williams and Cowan will, say that they will tease the legislature as long as they live or have pay, I found Lt Hood to be a most perfect gentleman and anxious to do all he can, but he informed me that he did not have the men, he said that thirty men were all that he had off the sick list, and that bis men were in the stables and his horses tied to a picket line, that he had to build houses for his men, and could not keep out scouts, But that if you would be so kind as to send a company to assist him he would do all in his power to aid them, I found the citizens think very highly of Lt. Hood and believe that he does all in his powers, for their protection, I think there ought it is Lt Hoods wish, and I sincerely hope that Capt Ford will ever act with a perfect good understanding and in conjunction with Lt Hood, I hope Capt Ford may give quiet and peace to this frontier From the best information that I can get there are from ten to twenty Indians yet am0ng the Mountains of the heads of Cowhouse and Lampasas and the Divide between the waters of the Colorado and Brazos I hope that ere your term may end you may have the credit of having freed Texas of those monad [nomad] tribes of In- dians that are and have ever l:leen depredating on her frontier, Your friend

And Obedient Servant HILLARY RYAN

'l"o His


·H. R. Runnels Austin [Endorsed] Hillary Ryan Novr. 13th

No. 203

LETTER FROM H. ALLEN TO H. R. RUNNELS [November 21, 1858]-

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