all other needfui supplies, and the said contracts shall be as valid against the State of Texas as if made by myself. You are of course, to be governed by law, and a just regard to econ- omy and efficiency. The instructions hitherto issued in regard to being governed by the Rules and Regulations of the United States Army and the Articles of War, with the exceptions mentioned in said in- st.ructions, are hereby revived and made of as full force as they were at the date of their issuance January 28th 1858; Also the general instructions under date of February 13th 1858 will be of force where they do not conflict with those of this date. I shall expect you to select tried and honorable men to fill your ranks, without such you cannot meet the emergencies for which you are called into service; or the expectations of the public. HR RUNNELS Capt. J. S. Ford. [Endorsed] Instructions to Capt. J. S. Ford [H. R. Runnels, Executive Record Book, Number 36, Page 218.] No. 201 LE'ITER FROM D. C. COWAN TOH. R. RUNNELS [Novmber 7, 1858] Governor H. R. Runnels Dear Sir I left Capt John Williamses Camp on the 3 inst, for the purpos of forwarding suplies. by his instruction I give you the follow- ing sine~ our leav on Monday Evening 25th, Oct. Lieutenant G. P. Cowan started with twelve man in persuit of Mr Jacksons two cl:ildren that was carried off by the Indians, and found them on the divide between the head of the North Leon and Pe- can Waters the children were deserted by the Indians the Eve- ning befor my Brother found them. they the Children say they had not had any thing to eat for eight days the company being two small to divid. Humanity dictated the Children should be brought in they are doing well Two men Mr Hutchinson and Mr Wood were attacted by Indians on the 30th of Last month between the San Saba and Colorado, wounded both there Horses and slightly wounded Mr Hutchinson we have been kept on the
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