TEXAS INDIAN PAPERS, 1846-1859 305 age, ordnance and ordnance stores, transportation, medicines, and all other supplies necessary to arm, equip and keep in ac- tive service the said company. You are also authorized to draw money from the treasury, and to pay for such of said supplies as can not be purchased on time. All your acts in this behalf, comporting with law, will be recognized by me as binding on the State of Texas as if transacted by myself. You are strictly enjoined to keep in view the interests of the public service and to observe economy in your expenditures -Keeping in view the efficient arming and supplying the com- pany above designated. HR RUNNELS To Capt John S. Ford, Austin, Texas [Endorsed] Nov 2nd/58. Instructions to Capt J. S. Ford Recorded page 218-219 ·
No. 200 LETTER FROM H. R. RUNNELS TO J. S. FORD Executive Department
Austin Texas Nov 2nd 1858
Captain, You will make such disposition of the men under your com- mand as will secure to the exposed points on the frontier the greatest chance of receiving protection. You will take measures to render your Campaign effective, defensively and offensively. Should the good of the service, and the danger to the border settlements from Indian incursions, require the organization to move against the Comanche in their own haunts, you are fully authorized and empowered to muster the requisite number of men into State service to accomplish the object-not to exceed three companies in addition to your own. You may issue an order for the election of a Major to command the battallion. You are also authorized to enter into contracts, either through yourself or your quarter master, to supply the troops with ra- tions of subsistence and forage, transportation, ordnance and ordnance stores, medicines, camp and garrison equipage and
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