county of Brown a party of Indians supposed to be about Twen- ty in number attacked the family of Joshua Jackson who were out gathering pecans, consisting of the old man and his wife, two sons and two Daughters, all missing, The old Lady and one of the boys I saw killed at the wagon. We have been in- formed and believe it to be true, that the old man was after- wards found dead about 150 yards from the wagon. The trail was followed about one half mile to the river and found on said trail a stocking belonging to one of the little girls, with spots of Blood upon it. We have every reason to believe that the whole family has been murdered save the little girls, who have been carried into a captivity a thousand fold worse than death itself State of Texas County of Lampasas On this 25th Day of October personally appeared before me B.. S. Whitaker Notary public Lampasas County Wm Windham and Jasper Willis who before me make oath that the fact.s stated in the forgoing statement were true testimony. Whereof I have herewith set my hand and seal of office at office this 25th Day of October A D 1858
No. 195 LETTER FROM D. C. COWAN TO H. R. RUNNELS San Saba Oct 28th/ 58
Hon H. R. Runnels,
This morning about nine O'clock reports reached this place that a Company of five Indians were within three miles of this place. -District Court being in Session Judge Voutress adjourned and the Court and juries and many citizens went forth with in pursuit. Captain Williams Company have not been all together yet, but are in the service-in detachments in various places-- I am here with a very few men and will leave in two or three hours. Respectfully D. C. COWAN 1st Lieut Capt J Williams Company
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