cinity by Indians and asking me to authorize the raising of a Company of Rangers for your protection. Previous to the receipt of these papers I had been informed of most of the facts detailed in your petition, and had requested Genl Smith to place a sufficient Mounted force on the line of the Nueces, to range from the Neighborhood of Fort Ewell up to the head of the Llano, and I have just received information from him that he has ordered 3 Companies of Mounted Riflemen to perform that service. These troops I trust will prove sufficient to give security against further incursions of Indians into your County; If they do not, I will endeavor to have additional troops ordered to that portion of our frontier, and if I cannot succeed in this, I will then consider it to be my duty to call out Volun- teers to act under the authority of this State. Very respectfully Your Obt Servt EM PEASE [E. M. Pease, Executive Record Book, Number 35, Page 314.] No. 151 PETITION FROM CITIZENS OF MEDINA COUNTY TO E. M. PEASE [October 5, 1855] To His Excelency E. M. Pease Govenor of the State of Texas Greeting Whereas the Undersigned your Petitioners Residents in Uvalde and Medina Counties upon the Seco Ranchers Creek 'Sabinal and in the Canon de Uvalde Valley. Would most respectfully represent to your Excelency the hazardous condition they are in and the continual loss of property and the continual annoyance they are bearing with from the depradations of the Indians. For the last twelve months there has not been one month but what the Indians have been in our settlement stealing our horses and killing our Cattle They have taken nearly all the horses they can get with- out killing your petitioners Yet for the last two months they have continued in our settlements all the time killing our hogs
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