almost daily, across the direction in which the Indians enter & leave the Settlements & at the same time a strong party to be sent out to Search for the rendevous of the Indians-When- ever there is a mounted force in the neighborhood of the fron- tier, the Settlers can & will always render efficient aid in as- sisting the military-but where no such force is near, the head of each family considers it a paramount duty to protect his own place & property & concert of action among the Settlers is pre- vented- About two weeks ago I saw Capt Callahan, who not having the opportunity then of communicating with your Excy. re- quested me to inform you that his command had been actively engaged in Scouting & following trails in the district of country assigned for him to protect.-one half his company being sta- tioned 16 miles N.E. from Fredericksburg & the other on the Guadalupe above the road from Fredericksburg to San Antonio -That no party of Indians had penetrated through his line of operations upon the settlements, so far as he then knew, altho' Indian signs were abundant on that part of the frontier where his command was organized.-Every party of Indians Known to have committed depredations, approached the settlements above or below his line of operations--even those that took Mr Hodge's horses on Curry's Creek came from the direction of San Antonio & retreated in the same way- He particulary requested me to say that in his judgment the exigencies of the frontier required a much larger force- three or four additional companies--and that quiet & safety could never be obtained until this was done - Capt. C. at the time I saw him was preparing to make an ex- cursion Westward with the principal part of his company & such volunteer assistance as he could get, in hopes of finding the ren- dezvous of the Indians & attacking & breaking them up. I learn that he has left with a considerable force- It is to be hoped that he will be successful- I am respectfully etc WILLIAM E. JONES [Endorsed] His Excy. Govr. Pease Present Wm E Jones Austin 22 Sep 1865
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