TEXAS INDIAN PAPERS, 1846-1859 241 On motion, the chair appointed a committee of three to com- municate with the Governor, consisting of A. H. Biscoe, F. Faunt Le Roy, and Jno. M. Crane. On motion H. A. Greenwood was authorized to raise a com- pany of fifteen or twenty men, as follows: Those to volunteer who wish, and others to be hired, at the rate of twenty-five dol- lars per month, by men who should sign a subscription list to that effect,-with the prospect of such company being received as part of the company expected to .be authorized by the Gov- ernor. Several gentlemen stated that they had beef and corn at the service of such a company. The petition was signed by the persons present. On motion, the meeting adjourned. JULIUS A. ROBBINS, Chairman. F. Faunt Le Roy, Sec.
Bandera Bexar Co. Sept. 21, '55
To E M Pease. Sir. We the citizens of Bandera would most re- spectfully call your attention to our exposed and dangerous con- dition. Gov. On Wednesday the 19, Ins't-- a party of thirteen Indians-- armed with guns pistols bows and arrows attacked the family of Mr. R. N. Davis; and shot an arrow through the heart of his daughter Mary-(aged about 13 years): after having run about too yards she fell dead. His whole family would have been murdered had it not have been for the accidental coming up of a Mr. Stanford and Davidson- Mr Davis' daughter was brought down to this place yesterday evening and buried about 3 Oclock P.M.- There is a trail in different parts of this valley, which must have been made by some thirty Indians. We have ceased our work and are preparing to defend our lives and property in case we are attacked-which we have every reason to believe will be before this petition shall reach you-: but having no horses (having been robbed of every animal) we can not follow
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