I expect to get a reply from him in a few days, and unless he gives me assurances that such a force will soon be furnished, I shall consider it to be my duty to call out a Company of Volun- teers to protect the lives and property of our frontier Citizens, until the Legislature soon to assemble, can take such further steps as may be deemed necessary to effect that object. Very respectfully Your Obt. Servt. EM PEASE [E. M. Pease, Executive Record Book, Number 35, Page 313.] No. 144 LETTER FROM COMAL COUNTY COMMITTEE TO E. M. PEASE New Braunfels, Comal Co. 13. Septr. 1855 To His Excellency Gov. E. M. Pease Austin Sir: In consequence of the recent continuous depredations, committed by Indians in our midst, on the persons and property of our fellow citizens, a public meeting of the Citizens of Comal Co. was held at this place, on yesterday the 12th inst to adopt measures to cooperate with the Citizens of Guadalupe County, in raising volunteer assistance to protect the frontier settle- ments against the marauding incursions of the Indians, until sufficient protection is given, to which enterprise a very lively interest was manifested and over twenty men immediately vol- unteered to serve (with the assurance of many more) provided some assistance could be given towards equipping them in Arms, provisions and pack-mules, in view of which The undersigned Committee was appointed to address Your Excellency, to enquire if you can render any assistance of this nature to the projected company, and to what extent? As this is the only hinderance to the Company being in im- mediate service, you will confer a favor to our Citizens by Your Excellency honoring us with a reply at your earliest convenience and we remain
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