In case you do not expect to return here soon, I wish if it is in your power to do so, that you would send a company of Mounted Men immediately, to range from the mouth of the Frio to the Head of the Llano, this will give confidence to the settle- ments North and West of this and keep them from breaking up, and relieve me of the necessity of calling out additional Volun- teers to perform that service, in the mean time I will delay further action, with the hope of hearing from you at an early day.
Very respectfully Your Obt Sevt EM PEASE
Bvt Maj Genl
Persifor F. Smith
Com'g Dept. of Texas.
[E. M. Pease, Executive Record Book, Number 35, Pages 311-313.l
No. 143 LETTER FROM E. M. PEASE TO 0. EVANS, B. E. EDWARDS AND P. B. SANDERS San Antonio Septr 6 1855. Messrs O Evans, Rev. E. Edwards & P. B. Sanders Gent. Your letter of the 1st inst. g1vmg an account of the depredations recently committed in this vicinity by the Indians, and enclosing the proceedings of a Public Meeting of the Citi- zens of this place was received at Austin on the 3rd inst. sup- posing Genl Smith was still at thi1::1 place, I came .immediately here with a view of meeting him and inducing him to adopt measures to prevent a recurrence of similar proceedings; not finding him here on my arrival, I wrote to him yesterday by express, detailing the recent murders and thefts committed by the Indians in this County, and requested him to furnish a suf- ficient mounted force to be stationed at such points as will hereafter give protection against further attacks of the kind.
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