Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. III



by those whose duty it is to know better- It matters not what causes, may have deprived us of that protection which as citi- zens of this State and Country, we have a right to demand, whether from the indifference, the want of information, or means placed at the disposal of the Commanding General of this department, or from a mistaken policy pursued by the General Government; to us it is sufficient to know that the unpalliated evil exists, that property is without protection, that the red blood of our neighbors and fellow citizens stains the hearth where they have the right to expect peace and safety, that their wives are violated, and their children carried into captivity, compared to which death would be happ'iness. These are calamities which over-ride all rules of courtesy and all cold calculations of policy, and we appeal to you as the chief executive officer of this state, to afford to its citizens that protection, which has been denied by the General Government, -A small company not exceeding fifty men, (in addition to those already called out by your ex- cellency) to range from the head of the Medina Westward, would be sufficient to protect the whole frontier from the Blanco to the Nueces, and we are satisfied that a company of that size could be raised in this and Medina Counties, composed of Material not excelled since the days of the old rangers- Should your Excel- lency feel authorised to make a call for such a company we would respectfully recommend Messrs G. W. Tobin and Mar- cellus French, as young men, who by their energy, activity and boldness, would be calculated to place it on a proper footing, and to render most efficient services as officers A. A. MUNCEY D. McCLELLAND (lives at the C. L. PYRON head of the Leon) R. S. MORGAN M.D. J. ULRICH T N WARE GRIFITH JONES F L PASCHAL JOHN M. CAROLAN DANIEL RICHARDSON R. A. HENSON P. C. CHILDRESS A A LOCKWOOD H. L. THOMPSON A. J. ALICE A. J. RICE VANCE J. BROWN A. s. TRUSSELL BEN E. EDWARDS JAS N FISK THOS BENDER WM F. PITTMAN CELS NAPIER M G ANDERSON C. HUMMEL. T. S. MCDONALD A. EARLE GEO C SAUNDERS J. M. SMITH

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