On my arrival in the upper settlements I will assertain the truth of the forgoing rumors and write you again- I will en- deavor to keep you advised of every thing of importance con- nected with this subject, carfully noting what may be relied on as true-- I shall go directly home from here thro' the mountains- In haste Yrs respectfully WILLIAM E. JONES [Endorsed] Wm E Jones San Marcos 7 July 1855 No. 137 PETITION OF CITIZENS OF BEXAR COUNTY TO E. M. PEASE San Antonio July 12th 1855 To his Excellency Gov E. M. Pease Sir The undersigned, citizens of Bexar County, would respectfully call your attention to the situation on our frontier which has been for the last few months, almost overun by the Indians. The insecurity for life and property is telling with fearful rapidity upon the prosperity of all our border settle- ments, and unless ample protection is soon afforded them, the tide of immigration which has been so suddenly arrested, will flow backwards, leaving a beautiful, but desolated country to the unchecked wanderings of the savage.-That your Excel- lency may better understand the actual situation of the Western portion of our own, and the adjoining counties we will give you a brief statement of a few of the depredations which have been committed almost within sound of the church bells of San Antonio.-After the murder of the Forester family and the Shepherds at the rancho of Mr Gallagher (within three hours ride of the above named city) the Indians for a few months abstained from making further incursions upon our immediate portion of the frontier, but about the last of October 1854 they killed Mr Williams, on the Medina, and committed the most
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