furn'ish this Company, ammunition, arms, subsistence or For- age, and this authority 'is given with the understanding, ·that this Company can be made up of individuals who are able and willing to supply themselves with all these articles, and rely upon the justice of our Legislature to reimburse them, and also to pay them for their services, the usual amount allowed by the United States for similar service. Should you succeed in raising such a Company or a part of a Company, you will forthwith return to this Office a complete muster-roll thereof, and repair immediately to such point in the vicinity of the above named settlements, as will enable you to give them full protection against the Indians. It is expected that you will be actively engaged in ranging in their vicinity, unless it may become necessary to pursue any marauding par- ties of Indians that may be found in the neighborhood, 'in which case you are authorized to follow them up and chastize them wherever they may be found. I rely with confidence upon your good sense and prudence to avoid attacking any Indians or tribes who are peacably disposed, as such a course might bring on a general Indian war with all the tribes upon our frontier, which would be very disastrous for a season, to our exposed settlements. I enjoin you also particularly to prevent any trespasses being committed by those under your command upon the per- sons or property of Citizens. I shall communicate what I have done, to the General in command of this Department, and should he desire to receive you into the United States Service for a like time, and to per- form similar duty, I shall expect you to be mustered under his orders, or should he send other mounted troops to the same neighborhood to perform the service for which you are destined, then I shall feel at liberty to discharge you at once. You will keep this Office frequently and regularly advised of your proceedings. Very respectfully EM PEASE [E. M. Pease, Executive Record Book, Number 35, Pages 308-309.]
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