that settlement to the nearest post above, a knowledge by the Indians that such a force is in the vicinity will undoubtedly prevent them again from appearing there- I therefore request that you will if possible send a Company of Mounted Men into that neighborhood for its protection to remain there as long as the public service will permit
Very respectfully Your obt. Servt. EM PEASE
To Brevet Maj Genl.
P. F. Smith Com'g Dept of Texas. [E. M. Pease, Executive Record Book, Number 35, Page 307.)
No. 134 LE'M'ER FROM E. M. PEASE TO J. H. CALLAHAN Executive Office
Austin Texas July 5, 1855.
James H. Callahan Esqr. Sir:
From reliable representations made to me by citizens residing on the Guadalupe River and its tributaries in Comal & Bexar Counties, and on the upper Blanco, I am well satisfied that a Mounted force is necessary to protect those set- tlements from the thefts and murders to which they are con- stantly subjected by marauding bands of Indians, and since the United States Government has failed to notice those depre- dations or to furnish any force for the protection of these set- tlements. I have thought proper to authorize you, and I do hereby authorize you to raise a Company of Mounted Men to serve three months unless sooner discharged. The Company must not exceed in number that of a Mounted Company in the United States service, which is composed of one Captain, one first Lieut, one Second Lieut, four Sergeants, four Corporals, one farrier, two Buglers and seventy four privates, should you not succeed in raising a full Company of privates, Officers can be elected only in proportion to the number of men. There are no means at the disposition of the Executive, to
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