Maj R S Neighbors Supervising Agent Texas Indians
You have probably observed that the 3rd section of the act referred to contemplates that the agent of the United States shall notify the District Surveyor of the District in which these lands lie of the selections which have been made when it shall become the duty of such surveyor to cause said lands to be de- lineated upon the map of the county in which they are situated, after which any location or entry on said lands shall be null and void, I presume this notice has already been given, but if it bas not it had better be done at once.
No. 133 LETTER FROM E. M. PEASE TOP. F. SMITH Executive Office
Austin, Texas, June 20, 1855
Sir: I enclose you a communication from the Hon: Wm E. Jones which is taken from the State Times a newspaper published at this place giving an account of the murder of a valuable citizen in the upper part of Comal County on the Guadalupe River, by Indians and also of thefts committed by them in the same vi- cinity, Mr. Jones is an old citizen of the State and as highly respected as any man we have among us. His statement con- cerning this transaction I consider entitled to full credit. This murder was committed in a section of the State where no United States troops are stationed, and where depredations have been frequently committed by the Indians during the last eighteen months, who have in every instance escaped punish- ment, this has emboldened them to renew their visits. I am assured there is such excitement prevailing in that neighbor- hood, that if the Indians shall again visit there, the citizens will arm and turn out and make war upon any tribes they may meet, such an occurrance may bring on a general war with all the tribes upon our frontier and I fear can only be avoided by sta- tioning a Company of Mounted Men to range the Country from
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