mediate effect; and I am charged with the duty of transmitting this report of our action in the premises to you as the Executive of the State for your approval, and also to request that you will cause the proper entries to be made on the Maps of the General Land Office. In the examination of the Surveys should there appe2r to be any errors or informality, you will please inform me, so that they may be corrected without invalidating the selections, as the Indians are now assembling on the lands for permanent settlement. Hoping that you will give this subject your ear- liest attention and communicate to me your decision in regard to the surveys.
I am very Respectfully Your Obt. Servt. ROBT. S. NEIGHBORS Supervising Agent Texas Indians
His Excellency E. M. Pease Austin Texas
[Endorsed] Indian Reservation Papers in Relation 20th Feb 1855.
No. 130
MANNERS, CUSTOMS, AND HISTORY OF THE INDIANS OF SOUTH-WESTERN TEXAS Burlington, March 14th, 1855. Sir:-Yours of the 10th inst. has been received, and enclosed you will find a portion of my notes, which, being readily tran- scribed, I send for your inspection. I have not mentioned, heretofore, that I obtained many curiosities, such as weapons, ornaments, pottery, etc., drawings of which might be interesting among your illustrations. If I had your work to compare with my notes, it might save me some trouble in transcribing, as you may have obtained much that I have. When you write, acknowledging the receipt of the enclosed, let me know respecting anecdotes and stories.
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