,, ,, ,, ,,
N.s2•25•w. N.40°10'W.
16.30 29.50
89. 90. 91. 92.
The Field Notes preceding these remarlcs pertain to the meas- urments in Spanish leagues, and the corners of the tract are designated upon the plot with the letters "A. B. C and D." An amount of land (5328) American acres equal to the dif- ference between four Spanish and four American leagues has been added to the tract before described, so that either form of measurment can be adopted. Beginning at the north west corner of the Spanish league tract marked "A" upon the plot, the boundary lines of the ad- ditional tract run as follows: N.19°40'W. for 9 chains when the line crosses the Clear Fork and continues on in the same direction for 24.74 chains to a mound of earth on a high prairie. Thence with the same bearing 28.60 chains to a mound of earth near the California road with three hackberry trees bearing N.87°E. distant 2.06 chains and marked with the letters II.TR. Thence N.70°20'E. for 40 chains to a mound of earth on the prairie with three mesquite trees situated as follows: 1st 60 ,. 68 ,. Thence with the same bearing 40 chains to a mound of earth with a mesquite tree bearing N.67°E. distant 40 links. 2nd 3rd s.8o·w. N.8s·w. S.69°E. distant 30 links ,. Thence ·with the same bearing 29 chains when the line crosses a spring brook and retains the same direction for 11 chains to a mound of earth in the valley with a hackberry tree bearing west distant two chains. Thence with the same bearing 40 chains to a mound of earth with a mesquite tree bearing S.68°40'W. distant 30 links. Thence with the same bearing 40 chains to a mound of rocks with a mesquite tree bearing S.60°W. distant 46 links. Thence with the same bearing 40 chains to a .mound of earth. Thence with the same bearing 40 chains to a mound of earth. Thence with the same bearing 4() chains to a mound of rocks.
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