Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. III



Austin Texas 17th Jany 1854

Dear Sir.

I take the liberty of sending you enclosed a copy of an extract from a communication addressed by D. Meri- wether Governor of New Mexico, to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs at Washington City, containing a narrative of the capture, by the Comanche Indians, within the limits of this State, of Mrs. Jane Wilson of Hunt County, and two boys, one aged twelve years and the other seven, and also of the suf- ferings and escape of Mrs W. This extract was received at this office last eve- ning in a letter from Governor Meriwether dated 13th of Decbr -1853. It appears that Mrs Wilson, after almost incredible Sufferings, arrived at Santa Fe on the 3rd-Decbr-1852, where she was hospitably received and kindly entertained, but the two boys were still with the Indians when the Governor wrote, al- though he had taken measures to effect their recovery, an ac- count of which will be found in his communication. Humanity ·requires that every effort should be made to liberate these boys from their cruel captivity and re- store them to their friends. This outrage having occurred within the limits of your agency, I feel it to be my duty to call your attention to the facts, and to request that you will promptly cause such measures to be adopted as will ensure their early release and restoration to their home. Governor Meriwether suggests that his intention to send the traders back to the Indians with a view to the rescue of the two boys, as well as other portions of his communication to the Commissioner, except the narrative of Mrs Wilson, be con- sidered as confidential, as a different course might defeat his object, and endanger the lives of the traders, but I have thought it best that you should be put in possession of all the facts, trust- ing to your discretion not to make public those parts of his communication that he suggests should be regarded as confiden- tial. I have the honor to be Very Respectfully Your Obt Servt EM PEASE

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