Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. III

TEXAS INDIAN PAPERS, 1846-1859 147 agents. he says is poor but is willing to work for a living if assisted & protected by the United States of (America). Reply of Col. Lamos an old Lipan Chief a good man & a friend Say he was much pleased with the talk of the great Father, the President of the United States by our Agent and wish to follow his advise and desire to cultivate the land for a living and hope our great Father the president of the United States, will procure a home for us, and aid us in preparing to live at our own homes, and he would follow the advise and rules given by our Agent and act in good faith towards the United States. The reason of his great satisfaction is he now has a hope of being settled where he can have his children about him & not roving about lik~ wild animals, he has proof before him that the great Chief of the United States, make no promises but- send the reality here is beef (maize) corn, & corn meal for us, to live upon & blankets & other things for our comforts, not promised but are before us. this give me confidence in the great chief, & I believe him our friend-& we will stand by him- "Reply of Hernandes a head man of the Lipan in place of Sha- naca, a chief. Say he was perfectly satisfied with the advise of his great Father sent them by their agent, and is willing to follow his rules, and advise and be his children. he is tired of being driven about from place to place. he has a number of children and very desirous and anxious, to have them settled quietly where he can be with them, & raise corn & will strictly observe the Treaty between the United States and Mexico Reply of Tomas Pano, the Chief & head of the M escalero In- dians, from the Rio Grande, for himself and others, by Jose Flor-de-Campo late principle chief (both being present), to the remarks of Jno A Rogers Special agent for the Indians of Texas, delivered 27th October 1851 at the treaty ground San Saba Bexar Co. Says They were highly pleased with the remarks of our agent, sent by our great chief of the Uni1.ed States. that they are anxious and desirous to come under the care and protection of the United States of America, and to submit to its laws to cul- tivate the land, and raise corn, and other article, for to feed our people and will follow this advise & directions of the Agent, and hope and request that our great chief the president of the United States of America will provide us a home that we may be satisfied is our own, where we may be protected by his Jaws and have resting place for our people

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