San Saba, treaty Grounds 26th October 1851
Proceedings had at the assembling of the Special agent, for the Indians of Texas, and commissioner on behalf of the United States, to treat with the Indians, of Texas, and the chiefs, head men, and warriors of the Comanche, (Known as the Southern Comanche,) the Lipan and Mescal,ero, all Indian tribes residing within the limits of the State of Texas, on the San Saba River in the County of Bexar & State of Texas and concluded this date above written. The following brief remarks were sub- mitted by John A. Rogers special agent through John Conner Interpreter for the Comanche and Jose for the Lipan and Mes- calero Indians--Towit. Chiefs, Head, men, and warriors of the Comanche, Lipan, and Mescalero, The President who is the great chief, of the United States of America, sent me take care of you, and to hear and consult with you in relation to your wants and future manner of living. This great chief the President has sent a number of different articles of goods for the comfort of your people, such as blankets articles for clothing and some other articles suited to improve the red men in the mechanic arts, all of which was liberally provided for him by his great counsil for your use and benefit. All the American people are very desirous to see you all made happy, and. desire to see you all settled with comfortable homes, cultivating the rich lands of the Country and preparing your selves and your children for taking up the course of civilised life with good homes and plenty of corn cattle, Horses, sheep, hogs & other comforts like the White man of America, If you desire to be settled and to raise corn and articles nec- essary to subsist on, and live on, Say so- and the great chief the president of the United States will en- deavor to procure for your use and benefit and for your future homes in such portions of the Country as you desire, and place some persons with you as will instruct & inform you how to raise corn & other things produced from the soil or land useful to the red as well as the white man- You must go to work, the Buffaloe is gone the deer there is not any. The bear & Mustang are gone which you have here- tofore Subsisted & lived upon-and without you go to work aided by the Un'ited States, you and your children must perish & die You must not cross the Rio Grande for the purpose of
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