Head Quarters Fort Inge, Texas March 3rd 1850
I have the honor to report that last night a man was brought in here from Mr. Aubrey's train dangerously, and I fear mortally wounded. The train had reached Turkey Creek in route to El Paso. The man was hunting and had seperated himself two miles from his companions when he was attacked by the Indians. This accident is to be imputed, in part, to the man's imprudence. This morniing I received information of a still more gloomy character- Last monday I sent a party of four Dragoons to es- cort a merchant train from this Post to Fort Duncan. On their return Lieut. Whiting placed his ambulance in their charge and in it was a mexican woman, the wife of a discharged soldier; the husband being in the party, mounted, but unarmed. At the water hole, at the Chacan, this party was ambuscaded and attacked by a party of Indians numbering from fifty to ninety men. A part of this force was on foot, concealed near the water hole, and the other part mounted. At the first discharge private Cater was shot through the head and killed. The mules being much fright- ened and the driver being unable to manage them, the woman jumped out and ran- Finding it impossible to get the ambulance along or to defend themselves against such overwhelming odds, the four remaining men deserted the ambulance and fled for their lives. About six miles from the Chacon the party met Cap- tain Merchant who was escorting Mr. Meade and his family to Fort Duncan. Three of the men were retained by Captain Mer- chant and the fourth, private Phitzeer, who was in charge of the party, was sent forward & arrived here this morning. This man reports that the weekly Express from Fort Duncan to this Post left an hour and a half before him. As this Express consisting of four men, has not reached here, and as he saw nothing of it on the way, it must either have left the road for safety or it has been cut off by the Indians. I have deemed it fit to give you the above information by special Express. The facts taken in connection with recent events, shew a fixed determination on the part of the Indians to murder and destroy our soldiers and citizens and their property when- ever they can do such with impunity.
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