62 it, if not sufficiently and permanently protection will, or can, be granted to them. - It is true the general [torn] has, at enor- mous costs, established military posts at the [torn] , at the Leona and elsewhere, of which the Head quarters are at San Antonio lest all the sernading & parading in the Queen of the West, and the stately fort [torn] for the accommodation of the officers [torn] the road to Mexico do not [torn] if any good. In fact it would [stained] as if they had merely been established for the protection of the tradesman, and not at all for that of the settler, who however is the man who improves the country and gives value to its soil, & by whom the state & counties are the most benefitted. It is for that reason, that we most respectfully never to your Excellency / who has already given us so many proofs of friendship and attachment, to our Colony and its set- tlers / for efficient & prompt protection. We have uselessly tried to get it from the Commander of the U. S. troops at San Antonio. Your Excellency has probably heard of the report, which, a couple of months ago was made to the General at the Headquar- ters of a party of men, having been chased off, by a body of In- dians, from a place at the Medina about 20 miles above this town. Upon which report the General immediately ordered Captain Mc- Cowens Company of mounted Rangers out to the Medina. - Capt. McCowen had his camp only about 1h mile below, where the above named persons were killed. - At that time, the citi- zens of Castroville very politely rendered, with a few lines, their thanks to the General for his prompt and kind protection, and at the same time entreated him to continue it; but he did take no notice of our humble prayer and ordered the company away. This is the reason whey we this time humbly appeal to your Excel- lency, for the so often asked for - just - protection; and while we feather ourselves, that your Excellency will not refuse it to us. We remain With the highest respect Your Excellency's most obedient Servants
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