the Department to other Military Commanders in the "Indian Country" of the United States. But the act of February 28, 1795, to suppress insurrections, and repel invasions, &c, and the act of March 3, 1807, authorizing the employment of the land and naval forces, &c, empowers the President to employ the troops to protect the peace of the fron- tier by repelling the incursion of Indians ; and this is the leading purpose of the military force under your command on the fron- tier of Texas. It may be presumed that the Executive of Texas under the laws of the State, will regulate and control the intercourse of her citizens and traders with the Indians, and restrain any improper conduct on the part of the whites towards them; and under the United States laws last cited, you are authorized to give aid to the State Government in case of resistance to its authority. I am, General, Very respectfully, Your Obedt. Servt. (Signed) R .. JONES
Adjt. Genl.
Bvt Major Genl. Geo: M. Brooke, Comdg 8th Mil: Dept., San Antonio, Texas.
War Department Adj. General's Office Washington, Augt. 20. 49 The Adjutant General to Bvt. Maj. General Brooke Copy respectfully furnished to his Exy P. H. Bell, Governor of Texas. By order of Bt. Maj. Genl Brooke Geo. Deas Asst. Adjt. Genl. Hd. Qrs. 8th Dept. San Antonio Jany. 9th 1850
No. 39 EXTRACT OF LETTER FROM BVT. MAJOR E. B. BABBITT Extract from a letter from Bvt. Major E. B. Babbitt, A. Q. Mr., dated San Antonio, October 15. 1849. A party of Americans has engaged in the service of the State of Chihuahua to kill and destroy Indians, for whose scalps they are to receive from $50.- to $500.-according to the offi-
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