No. 34 LETTER FROM JOHN M. CLAYTON TO GOVERNOR GEORGE WOOD Department of State Washington, 4th August, 1849 To His Excellency,
The Governor of the State of Texas, Austin .
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I enclose a translation of a note under date the 21st ult., addressed to this Department by the Mexican Minister, alleging that the authorities of his government at Matamoros are fre- quently insulted and maltreated by the inhabitants of Browns- ville. Without admitting the truth of the general charge or of the particulars specified by Mr. de la Rosa, the peace and honor of the United States depend so much upon the discretion and for- bearance of the authorities and inhabitants of Texas on the Mexican frontier, that the President trusts Your Excellency will exert all the means within your power for the purpose of pre- venting any violation of the laws on their part, and especially of the stipulations of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. I have to honor to be, very respectfully, Your Excellency's obedient servant, JOHN M. CLAYTON
[Endorsed :] J. M. Clayton
Sec of State, U.S. to Gov. of Texas Washington, 4th Aug, 1849
No. 35 LETTER FROM GEORGE DEAS TO GOVERNOR GEORGE WOOD Head Quarters 8th Dept. San Antonio, August 9, 1849 Governor: General Brooke desires that you will inform him how many men have been called into the field, by the State of Texas. This
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