Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. V


No. 275


To his excellency H. R. Runels Governor of the State of Texas We the undersigned being the individuals who composed the Company which made war on the Reserve Indians in Palo Pinto 'County having learned that writs have been issued for our arrest and made returnable before Judge Battle at Waco in McLennan County We therefore desire respectfully to represent to your excel- lency that while we shall decline being arrested, to be carried through two organized Counties from our homes at a season of the year when our services are indispensable. Yet we claim to be law abiding men and are willing that our actions in this matter as well as all others should undergo legal investigation before a proper tribunal, having under our laws and Constitution Cogni- zance of the Case being in our own vicinage and void of preju- dice, we alone having the right to change the venire, But in order that matters may be put at rest and minds that appear to be much harrassed and troubled at the so called outrage may be quieted (Albeit these same persons remained at home in quiet and their consciences permitted them to rest perfectly easy when they heard of the horrid massacre of the Jackson family attended with horrors too revolting to name no tear then dimmed their eyes) We now demand of your excellency a trial before an exam- ining Court to be held in Stephenville or Palo Pinto or if it suits better on the 20th of March at the Jamison Peak, at which time and place their will be a meeting of the Citizens of the frontier Counties for the purpose of taking into consideration measures best adapted to secure the future safety and welfare of our fron- tier. The Selection of the Court and the choice of places is left to your excellency But if after all this Maj. Neighbors is fixed in his purpose to force the point after having set the example by refusing to allow the Sheriff of Young County to arrest an Indian in the Upper re- serve against whom was found a true bill by the Grand Jury of said County for Shooting Allen Johnsons son outside the limits of the reserve-we do respectfully but firmly say we will Stand by our army and the result must rest with those who do know how to respect the rights of Free men We have now respectfully further to state that the matter

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