388 the guides who were of the friendly Indians recognized as Caddos and from there to a Second Camp which the guides could trace no further. The express called for immediate assistance and also re- quested that a messenger be sent at once to Bosque County to put the Citizens on their guard and render such aid as was in their power-a small company started from this place at once a portion of which returned in a few days and others taking their places the entire Scout did not come in until this morning and their report is of rather an alarming nature. They fell upon an Indian trail about the mouth of Barton's Creek and followed it for some time through the Palo Pinto Coun- try-they finally found their encampment near the Brazos in the neighborhood of Golconda and supposing from the circumstance of their being there to be Caddoes they approached them for the purpose of requesting them to leave the country and return to their homes at the Reserve as depredations had been committed and the people were much excited and alarmed. But no sooner had they addressed them than they flew to their arms and a fight was the consequence, fierce and terrible while it lasted-10 or 11 of the Indians were killed and of the Scouting party-John Barnes was wounded in the leg (a flesh wound) and Saml Ste- phen (son of John Stephen) of this place is missing. He was a noble boy and I fear he was killed. There being a large body of Indians in the neighborhood the party left as soon as the firing ceased supposing the Company all to be along until they reached their horses, when he Stephen could no where be found. They regret very much the step they were unavoidably compelled to take-Our Country affords no better men than those engaged in this affair and men who regret the necessity of this step more than they do. They have since learned that the Indians that be- haved with a great deal of insolence to the citizens of one place Hosea Maria and his sons both presented their-arms and were only prevented from killing a man by the interference of some persons present for demanding a mule which they had taken upenly and refused to return. What is to be the result of these things I am at a loss to know.
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