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Head. Qrs. 8th & 9th Mily Depts San Antonio. Febry 15th 1849
His Excellency Gov. Geo. T. Wood. Sir:
I have had the honor to receive by Colonel Johnson your communication of the 12th instant. It was and still is my desire to see you on the subject, generally, of the Indian frontier, and for that purpose I shall" proceed to the capitol the moment some urgent matters are disposed of here. I have supposed that a less number of posts, judiciously selected, with larger force at each, would better effect our objects than the larger number with weak garrisons incapable of detachments. In accordance with these views orders have been issued uniting the troops now at Hamilton Creek, and the neighborhood of Waco Village, and station them at the more advanced and commanding point, near the Towash Village, this leaves the space as I found it between that point and Fort Washita, unoccupied, and to that you have now done me the favor to call attention. The probable neecssity of establishing.a post at some convenient point intermediate the two last named, had not escaped me. At the present moment I have not disposable the cavalry force/ foot would be useless for that particular service/ to send thither. I have placed Brigd. Genl. Harney in immediate command at the North Western fron- tier of this Department, and directed him to make an early in- spection of the points occupied and report, with suggestions, in respect to such others as may be demanded. In the mean time he will be authorised, should it be absolutely necessary, to direct the company of Cavalry now under orders for Towash, from Con- ner's station, to proceed to the point menaced-this I hope may not be immediately necessary. I have been informed that the settlers on the east edge of the lower cro~s timbers, meditate an expedition against the Indi- ans in that neighborhood who have committed recent robberies. However deserving of punishment those thives may be, I hope your Excellency will be induced to use your influence with citi- zens referred to, to forbear any hostile movement so likely to
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