No. 28
Executive Office Austin Augst 23rd ~847
I herewith enclose to you for your guidance copys of the 8th 13th & 14th Section of an Act of the Congress of the Repub- lic of Texas passed on the 14th of January 1843 entitled "An Act to provide for the establishment and maintenance of peace and to regulate friendly intercourse with the Indians" also c/w of the 2d & 4th sections of an act amendatory of the above recited act which laws are still in force. And it is expected that you and all other officers now on the frontier of Texas acting in concert with the Indian agent or agents for the protection of the settl~ ments & the preservation of friendly relations with the different Indian Tribes will see that this law is strictly inforced. Inasmuch as there is at present no well defined line between the white & Indian settlements you will in enforcing the said 14th section of the act of 1843 prohibiting the sale of spirituous liquors &c, only seize & destroy the spirits of those person whom you know or have good reason to believe have been guilty of violating this section of said law. Major Neighbors the Indian agent on our frontier whose duty it is particularly to see that these laws are not violated will be furnished also with copys of the same and should he discover that any person is violating the laws he will require your aid in applying the proper remedy.
I have the honor to remain your obedient Servant J PINCKNEY HENDERSON Governor of Texas
Gov. Henderson to Captains, Comds. Ranging Companies on the frontier of Texas.
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