358 the state can furnish them, Please inform me at your earliest Convenience if the state Can furnish us Arms, and if so, Can it be so arranged for this Co. to get those used by the Coryell Co. Respectfully Your Obt Svt JAS M. CROSS
Hodges' Mills 3rd Septr '59
His Exy. Gov. Runnels, You will probably remember that about six weeks past Mr. C. R. Perry had a conference with you in relation to raising a company for the protection of that part of the frontier lying on the head of the Guadalupe river Mr P. gave information that the movement met the sanction of the Executive & that the com- pany when properly organized would be received into the service of the State & the Legislature recommended to appropriate the money to pay for their services. He proceeded to raise the neces- sary number of men, but before finally succeeding, he left the completion of the company to other persons- The company has been organized in the County of Kerr,- according to the law organizing volunteer companies, and the election of officers cer- tified by the Chief Justice of that county.- My particular object now is to call your attention to my own acts & to ask your sanc- tion- when Mr Perry proceeded to raise the company he re- quested me to attend at the time of organization & muster the company into service-- Subsequently when the company was or- ganized the officers requested me to act in the capacity of mus- tering officer & I did so, or as such superintended the apprais- ment of the horses & equipments &c. & certified the roll of the Company. In doing so I frankly state that I do not know that the act was in conformity to law or custom. I knew however that it was competent for the Executive to confirm & make valid, the act, by its approval & sanction, as fully as if I had been appointed by yourself. I returned yesterday from Kerr County whither I went for the purpose of mustering the company into service, and while there I obtained information of the particulars of one of
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