Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. V

32 may be able to inform our citizens in the threatened regions what protection they may expect

I have the honor to remain your most obdt servant J PINCKNEY HENDERSON Governor of Texas

[Endorsed:] Gov. Henderson to Sec'y of War Aug. 7. 1847

No. 26 LETTER FROM J. PINCKNEY HENDERSON TO WM. L. MARCY Executive Office Austin Texas August 22nd 1847 Sir Your communication of the 16th Ultimo requesting me to cause Coln. Hays regiment to be forwarded to the Brassos St. Iago to be there embarked for Vera Cruz and the copy of the order to him on the same subject which you enclosed therewith came by the mail on the 20th Instant. Coln. Hays having left San Antonio about the 12th Instant in pursuance of your order of the 2d June last-for Genl. Taylors Head Quarters with all of the Companies of his regiment then in Texas except two which were left to guard the frontier of Texas. I this morning dis- patched to him by express a copy of your said communication to me and also a copy of the order of the same date addressed to him together with what I suppose to be the original order which came by mail addressed to Coln. Hays at this place By the same conveyance I sent copys of the same to Genl Taylor. Inasmuch as I infer from your communication to me & the order to Coln. Hays that no order has been given by you to Genl Taylor in regard to any portion of this regiment except as to those companies now with him under the command of Major Chevallier I deemed it best to forward to him those copys. I have also written to Lt. Coln. Bell of Coln Hays regiment who is now at San Antonio and was left by Coln. Hays in command of the companies on the frontier of Texas and have advised him to join

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