337 serious collission must take place-although for the present mo- ment may be postponed. I have the honor to be Very respects Your Obdt Servt ROBT S NEIGHBORS His Excellency H. R. Runnels Austin, Texas No. 246 LETTER FROM JOHN HEMPHILL TO GOVERNOR H. R. RUNNELS 1859 Washington March 25th Dear Sir, I received in due time your letter of the 25th February rec- ommending the removal of the Reserve Indians beyond the limits of the State, and your views were promptly presented and urged upon the Government of the United States. I had had an inter- view previously with the Secretary of the Interior and was grati- fied to find that then and since he concurred in the policy of re- moval. The embarrassments which delayed the government in attaining a final conclusion have ceased to exist and the removal is now a settled measure of the government. The Wichitas will be immediately placed on a Reserve on the lands leased for ninety nine years by the Choctaws to the United States, with the view that they may make at least a partial crop the present season. The Indians on the Reserve, in Texas will be removed to the same County during the ensuing Fall and winter that is to say as soon as their Crops can be gathered and arrange- ments made for leaving as also preparations on the lands to which they resume for their reception such as the erection of necessary buildings-the opening of some land &c I shall probably receive in a few days a letter from the Secre- tary of the Interior (in answer to one enclosing to him the letter of your excellency in which the details of the measure will per- haps be state with more fulness and precision.
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