31 and near Davis' Bluff on the East bank of the Rio Grande below Comargo of depredations committed by Indians & robbing par- ties of Mexicans and I have been urgently solicited to represent these matters to the President and request that protection may be extended to those settlements by stationing two or more com- panies in those regions &c. Capt. Grays company which was raised last summer by the request of Genl Taylor and stationed so as to protect Corpus Christi San Patricio & Goliad was called off into Mexico last spring & has lately been discharged. The company raised in October last & stationed at Larado on the Rio Grande under the command of MB Lamar will be discharged in October next-so that all of that region of the state from Larado to Corpus Christi including San Patricio Goliad Refugio & the settlements about Davis' bluff on the Rio Grande will be exposed to the Indians & Mexicans. Genl. M B Lamar who com- mands the company now stationed at Larado suggest the pro- priety of raising three companies for the protection of those pla-::es which he thinks will be sufficient for that purpose after the expiration of his present term of ~ervice-I agree with him and now have to request the authority from the President to call out three companies of mounted men from this state for that service They can be so arranged as to give the necessary pro- tection The Comanches made an attack upon the settlements near Davis' place on the Rio Grande a few months since in which they lost several of their warriors & are now, as I am informed, threatening to raise a large party & go down upon that settle- ment to avenge the death of their friends. Had not the force under the command of Coln. Hays been called off to Mexico a sufficient number from his command could have been spared . from the Northern frontier to have guarded those regions but as it is our settlements in those quarters will be left entirely un- protected after October and now have but the one company, at Larado, to protect them Major Neighbors Indian agent-has just returned from the Comanche country and reports that that Nation of Indians sud- denly left the region in which they have for some time been roaming and have gone in a Northern direction & under circum- stances which induces the belief that they contemplate mischief in some quarter. It may be that they are going to the Santa Fe road to plunder those who pass there but I would rather suppose they intend mischief against Texians I will be much obliged by an early response to this that I
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