331 ered sometime yesterday afternoon. How, I cannot learn. Also. that the Indians had lassoed one boy and then turned him loose and had caught, severely whipped and dismissed another boy, that they had stolen 45 horses from Franklin's rancho, 17 miles from here on the Lampasas road, and were reported to be in the hills of that vicinity yesterday afternoon and the first company out would probably overhaul them. I Bear in mind that my letter of yesterday was dated the 16th instead of the 17th. The killing of Riggs, wife & Pierce and capture of the children and Cruger's horses, were on the 16th, Wednesday, that of Franklin's horses that night or yesterday. I now learn that Cruger lost 7 instead of 15 horses. He was driving them home (12 miles on our Noland's Creek above here). The Indians discovered him and dismounted in ambush. He drove within 100 years of them before seeing them. Three chased him about 1112 miles, while the others drove off the horses, after killing one on the ground. My conjecture is, either that the Indians are ignorant of their vicinity to the principal settlements of this county; or that a considerable body is encamped in the mountains between Cow Horse & Lampasas some distance above, and have sent down sev- eral stealing parties, to fall back upon the main body if pressed. Upon any other hypothesis, their conduct seems reckless. I greatly fear other murders have been committed. Yours, truly JNO. HENRY BROWN Feeling the old spirit in my bosom I should be glad to enter the service should the Federal regiment be called out, or state troops be raised under your order. This is private. I mean of course could I get a company or detachment, without deranging your plans, &c. In regard to the regiment, should it be. called, it has occurred to me you make a change in the appointment formerly made for raising a company in this district. My recollection is that Capt. Nelson was the person. B. No. 240 LETTER FROM JOHN WITHERS TO GOVERNOR H. R. RUNNELS
Head Quarters, Dept. of Texas, San Antonio, March 19th, 1859
Sir: The General Commanding the Department directs me to ac- knowledge the receipt of your communication of the 18th Instant,
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