Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. V

329 faithfully executed. In conclusion, I have only to express the hope that prudent counsels may prevail, and again to warn you of the consequences of a violation of the laws of your country. Respectfully,


March 12'1859 Letter of the Gov. to the citizens of the Counties of Erath, Jack. Palo Pinto & c



Eagle Pass March 12th 1859

Gov. H. R. Runnels Sir. I arrived at this place Sunday eavening, and found fifty one of the Siminoles crossed over and encamped in a ravine on this side of the river. They had been crossed over by Tiger who recrossed the river and is now in Mexico. I find the authorities of Mexico somewhat opposed to their leaving, though I think I shall be able to remove them. I shall consult with Gen. Vidauri on the subject. I wish you would send me with your permition to take them through the State of Texas with the State Seal to it. I think it will be necessary for me to have such authority. Direct you answer to this place. Sir, with much respect I remain yours &c L. STAR No. 238 LETTER FROM JOHN HENRY BROWN TO GOVERNOR H. R. RUNNELS 1859 Belton, March 16 [17]-3 p.m. Gov. Runnels: Dear Sir: I hasten to advise you of some melancholy Indian depredations in this county yesterday. I have tried to sift the

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