322 confuse me in my movements on the frontier.
In my communication of about 18th day of July ult. to your Excellency, I then stated I have ten men on a scout pursuing a band of Indians who had stolen some fifteen head of horses, the scout overtook the Indians and succeeded in retaking ten head of the horses, the Indians being mounted on the best animals and coming upon them just at dark and our horses much jaded from a close pursuit of several days, were unable to get the Indians, the scout pursued the Indians to the Wichita Mountains. I am fully satisfied they were border Indians, Wichita's Keechies, and Kickapoos, since then there has been as many as three other Companies of Indians seen on the frontier, all of whom came on foot for the purpose of stealing. One young man by the name of Davis was killed by the Indians on the 20th July ult. Our scout pursued them and succeeded as before in retaking all the horses stolen, except the ones, upon which the Indians were mounted, all those Indians make for the mountains. On last evening I recd a communication from Fort Arbuckle, that the troops at that Post had had two fights with the Indians. and had killed twelve, in a few minutes after I have recd the news two gentlement came in from Montague Country near the Wise County Line to see me and report that there were three other small bands of Indians, seen immediately in the vicinity on Monday last. And that many of the citizens were moving off, and that the entire frontier would brake up without immediate pro- tection, and that great Confusion existed. I also learned from the Over Land Mail Conductor that the Indian depredations in the vicinity of Bellknap had produced great alarm, and that Capt. Ford's Company together with the Indians upon the Reserve were in hot pursuit, all of which proves conclusively that it is a general move by the Indians at this time to mount themselves from our frontier; and when occasion suits to kill our citizens: the Indians I am fully satisfied are preparing for an early spring fight. Now Governor in view of the premises and the many solici- tations from the people up<m the frontier for immediate protec- tion, I have called out twenty four (24) additional men to serve with thirty six now in the field making in all sixty men Rank & file. My men in the field being reduced two in number, Mr. Jona- than Thompson who was accidentally shot and afterwards died, and the other by the name of Pat Burns whom I discharged on account of his inability and extreme awkwardness with fire arms, having shot the said Thompson. I shall only muster the additional
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