296 command, for either present protection, or obtaining a permanent settlement of our difficulties has been more than verified. The recognition of the Acts of the Executive of Texas by her Legislature, and appropriations to meet the full expenditure in- curred, must be sufficient evidence to any set of men disposed to do justice. How, or why under the circumstances men should be required would be hard to conjecture. A state of things has ex- isted almost since our connection with the Federal Union unpar- ralleled in the history of this or any other country. An almost continuous Indian war from the date of annexation, never a year but scenes of blood and pillage have been witnessed on our fron- tier from hostile bands of Indians, and in not a few instances it is believed from those actually in treaty with, or receiving the arms and annuities from the General Government, by which they have been the better enabled to carry out their designs against Texas; and yet no exertion of the Federal power to restrain them commensurate with the exigencies of the case; and besides this, the Comanches occupying our territory, have always been hostile both before and since our annexation, and never were known to have ceased their acts of hostility when opportunity has offered itself. These are facts known to the whole delegation, and should be exposed, if the authorities attempt to evade the repayment of what is due the State, or fail to adopt such measures for giving that security which is all important, to the interest of our State and its frontier; We want what we have paid and security for the future, and if necessary to expose the indifference, almost con- temptuously manifested to our complaints. It should be done without hesitation, and I do hope our delegation will not fail in it when found necessary. It will be seen that the dates of any of the claims contained in the abstract, do not go behind the pas- sage of the public debt bill, by which it is supposed, the State compromises the large amounts paid for the same purpose pre- ceding that time.
I am Sir with great consideration Your Obt. Servt. H. R. RUNNELS
Octr. 30' 1858 Govr Runnels to
Hon. J. H. Reagan Recorded, on pages 233-4.
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