Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. V


instruments obtained from Walker, I will be in the way if taken with us. If I can get my camp ready for a start before Clark does his I will be over, if not I must take a written leave of you. Your friend Tobin whom you appointed to raise a company has got back from Mexico and is giving the fellows connected with the outrage upon you here a merry cursing, there are but three of them that any body notices and these he notified if they ever spoke to him he would give them a thrashing There is no news here of interest give my respects to An- derson and beleive me as ever Your friend WR. SCURRY

W. R. Scurry Oct. 27. 1858



Head Quarters, Dept. of Texas, San Antonio, October 30th, 1858

Sir: The General Commanding the Department directs me to ac- knowledge the receipt of your communications of the 27th and 28th Instants, and to say that he has ordered the Commanding Officer of Camp Colorado to use every possible exertion to have the Indians you allude to followed and punished: he has also or- dered the Commanding Officer of the Arsenal, in this city, to furnish you with two thousand caps of the description you re- quire.

I am, Sir, Very Respectfully, Your obt. Servt., JNO. WITHERS. Asst. Adjt. Genl.


His Excellency Gov. H. R. Runnels, Austin, Texas.

[Endorsed] John. Withers Asst.

Adjt. Genl. San Antonio

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