275 tie in the upper part of Wise and were run in by Indians the num- ber seen were four, on last (Saturday) evening guns were heard firing a few miles from the upper Settlers in this county who have remained at their homes, the whole country above them be- ing abandoned, leaves no doubt that the firing of the Guns was done by Indians, the same thing occurred again this morning in the same vicinity, my informant is a reliable citizen who heard the guns and says that there is not a white family at present in the direction, of the firing, He has just left here for home enter- taing serious apprehension for the safety of himself and neigh- bors. I am no alarmist and have used every effort in my power to keep down excitement and alarm amongst our citizens up to this time, but cannot longer resist the conviction that we and all the frontier counties are in eminent danger unless immediate measures are taken for the defence of our frontier, The maff Carrier from this to Fort Belknap brings inteligence that Indian sign is thick in Jack County, and that a man was murdered in Young County last week near the line of Jack while on his way home from a neighbours house, The Regular Troops on our fron- teir gives us no protection, the post to be established near Wich- ita Mountains furnishes us no kind of protection whatever, the Indians are known to be thick in their rear at this time, and have nothing to fear from them whatever, where is an instance that can be cited where ·the regular troops have ever pursued and overtaken or captured or killed any hostile Indians on our fron- tier, I have yet to learn of the first instance of the kind nor can I feel any confidence in such (misnamed) protection The com- pany referred to in the enclosed merial raised in Cooke County and endeavoring to be raised in Wise, have fallen far shorter in. numbers to what was anticipated but have succeeded in raising near one hundred men in this and Cooke County to gether and have marched in search of Indians two or three days since intend- ing- to operate as far as Red River and probable beyond that point in case they find signs indicating the near approach of Indians to our borders, this force can only remain in the field for a very short period for the want of the facilities to carry on a Regular Campaign, the most of them have families left at home without protection, and whose means are limited, the most of us are barely able to live in the country and not able to defend it, Can you consistently exercise the functions of your office in adopting some speedy remedy for our defenceless situation by recognizing the company already raised or by authorizing the raising of a
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