Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. V

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273 these facts in possession the proper measures are not adopted, and it should be found impossible to restrain public indignation the responsibility will rest where it shall properly belong The general government is now largely indebted to the state for sums expended for protection which it was her duty alone wholly to give, If the practice must be kept up and the state left to rely on her own resources, it is far better that it should be made known at once, that such measures may be concerted as will be most calculated to effect the desired end, and all hope from the pretense of Government abandoned It has not been my purpose nor is it now so particularly to advert to that devotion to principle which induced the people of Texas to aid with such ananimity in placing the present and past administrations in power, to both of which she may prefer just articles of complain for the indifference with which her just de- mands have been treated; nor yet, would it be so under different circumstances to refer to the strict fidelity with which she has observed the terms by which she became a member of the Fed- eral Union. It is sufficient that it has been so, and that it is now expected of the government to feel fit in return the stipulations which guaranteed her protection on entering it; Independent however of and besides the terms of that agreement, it should not be forgotten that she is a coequal state with all the rights privileges and immenities of the rest of its members, that her citizens are american citizens with all the rights appertaining to those of any other state be they of whatsoever party religion or creed, and that as such it becomes my duty by virtue of the trust confided to me earnestly to persist in demanding a full and fair consideration of their grievances by the executive goverment of the Union If I have used forcible language in this communication, it has been from no want of proper respect to your Excellency but because it has been necessary to convey a proper sense of the ex- posed condition of this frontier, Hoping. that I may be informed of your action at the earliest period I have the honor to be, verry Respectfully Your obt. servt N B. H R RUNNELS The report of Capt Marvin conveying important information has reached here, a copy of which I herewith transmit to your Excy, H.R. R [Endorsed:] President. U. S.

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